Baby Tyler {Baton Rouge Newborn Photographer}

I’m back from my photo session trip to DC and Louisville, and I can’t wait to get started editing those pics – but lots to come before then!  Due to traveling and a little food poisoning here and there, I am quite behind.  But, I am steadily catching up, and I appreciate all of my clients that are so very patient!

Here is Baby Tyler, about a week old here…and big sister Mackenzie couldn’t have been any cuter!  I think she really likes the camera!  I photographed Mackenzie when she was born – and it seems like that was about a week ago.  Tyler’s Daddy is a huge sports fan, so the first picture was by request from him!   🙂

  • Anonymous - I love the one where they big sissy is looking over at baby boy…so sweet!!! Love his facial expression.ReplyCancel

  • Meghan - Cutest kids ever!!! Love you Kenzie and Tyler!!! Xoxoxo love, Nanny Meghan:)ReplyCancel
