Colton is One! {Baton Rouge, LA Child Photographer}

Happy 1st Birthday to Colton!  What a fun baby he was to photograph yesterday!  We were able to meet up for our session at my dear friend Kelle’s home in beautiful St. Francisville, as it is one of my favorite locations to shoot.  (You can see other samples from this location herehere and here.)  Beautiful big oak trees, a lake, an old picket fence, an old sugar bowl, precious iron chairs, and tons and tons of open land.  In addition to the precious baby and the beautiful backdrop, we also had gorgeous weather – by a photographer’s standards.  It was very overcast and looked like it might rain, but that overcast sky just produced the most beautiful diffused light, so it was a win-win-win!

Love those little piglets!

How I love those little scrunchy, crinkled-nose smiles! 🙂

And the far off gaze – love these serious looks!  He looks like he’s looking far into my eyes….errr, my camera.
