Category Archives: LA Family Photographer

Hudson – 6 months {Baton Rouge Child Photographer}

I was so excited to photograph the Reeves family again – this time with a new addition!  Little Hudson was a busy little thing for only 6 months old.  This is probably one of my favorite ages to photograph!

The Toups Family

It was on this day that I found out that Mom is expecting again…times 2!!! 🙂  Two baby girls will enter this family in December!  So exciting – it will round out the boys vs girls evenly among the Chiasson clan! 🙂

The Weinstein Family {Baton Rouge Child and Family Photographer}

This family won the LASM Auction item that I donated!  Thanks, Weinstein family for your patience!  They’ve received their images, but I’m just ridiculously behind on blogging…so here we go with a few recent images from some recent sessions.

Gill Family {Baton Rouge Child and Family Photographer}

I was so excited to photograph the Gill family again – this time with a little addition – little Lucas!  And see that little lady at the top of my blog on the far left?  Yep, that’s Sidney about 2 years ago – she has grown up so much!  Thank you, Gill family, for trusting me to capture your sweet family!
