First comes love, then comes marriage…

…and no, there is no baby carriage!! Realizing this post topic can be a little misleading on many levels!

And no, it’s not me getting married – it’s my little sis! Whitney and Andrew will be getting married at my parents’ home in Napoleonville on Saturday…and we are praying for NO RAIN!!!  I took these engagement pictures for Whit and Andrew in January in “downtown” Napoleonville…it was a very chilly day for us folks in South Louisiana!  Congrats to the Lee’s!
  • Karen - Ashley Beth – I LOVE every one of these! They are incredible and how sweet to be able to take your sisters’ engagement photos! You’re right, I totally thought that was you in the first pic!ReplyCancel

  • Dawn Pearcy - perfect as always…

  • Melissa Rodriguez Photography - Oh my goodness! These are just STUNNING! You and your sister look so much alike – both gorgeous. What a perfect looking couple!ReplyCancel
